Custom Software Development

All Easy IT Solutions offers custom built software development services. It creates great opportunities helping our end-users explore and realize their potential by using extensive features of our custom built software. These solutions are really useful to have a deep insight into all the different business scenarios. This is why our custom made software and services are highly appreciated and valued by our respected customers.

We specialize in custom software development for large to medium and small scale business and individual needs as well. Our experts develop quality and cost-effective products to help our customers utilize their full potential in day to day business activities.

Our expertise in Custom Software Development covers most of the aspect of software development technology throughout the lifecycle from start to end: requirements gathering, analysis & design, feasibility planning, development, implementation, mutual testing, quality assurance, deployment and more.

We try our best to provide you with the best possible quality outcome within a short period of time and at affordable prices. Please feel free to contact us with the specifications of software you need.

An ideal solution is the one that is tailored for your business needs to provide you best of its benefits. It is understandable that what is made especially for you will be really very special for you in terms that it will successfully meet all what your business needs from a software solution in a way that suits you and your business.

we don’t only develop the software and leave the left for our client, but we deploy and maintain it through its lifetime. Our professionals and support staff will help you with issues you might have.

If you know what exactly you need, we can prepare a detailed proposal based on your requirements and specifications. Just ask for a quote

If you have just a blur idea about what software service u actually need, we can make it clear to you, showing you the great picture with all the possible aspects of proposed idea. You are always welcome to contact us.

Custom Built ERP Solution

Every business organization has its own unique way to do business. There are a number of ready to use software/ business management solution but these readymade solutions cannot exactly meet the requirements of so many unique business processes. These readymade software have limited flexibility and are based on fixed scope. Here comes the customized software solutions which are designed and developed according to the customer’s needs. Such custom built systems are not supposed to meet the requirements of all types of business ways and standards but they exactly meet the requirements of the business they are customized, designed and developed for.

While developing an ERP for a business organization, ROI must be the core consideration. If an ERP solution has more than say 1000 features while you need just 300 out of those 1000 and you need 50 other features which are missing in that ERP, it means you are going to waste your money and project will still be a failure. Because you are paying for software features which you don’t actually need and your software lack those features that you need. Cost is calculated against Man Hours and Lines of code. Any extra bit in the software is what you will pay for nothing. And you will end up with a system that is not sufficient for your business because it is missing some features which were vital for your business. That is the reason why a custom built ERP is an ideal solution.

Automate or systemize every feature of your business domain that has a logical reason for that. It is a great benefit of customized ERP that it can cover systemization of all those business processes which are of some good concern for the business.

Effectiveness, Efficiency and Flexibility while still being simple and user-friendly are features that you must see in an ERP Software Solution.

Workflow Applications / Business Process Automation

Workflow Applications

A workflow management system is a software system that defines and manages a series of tasks within an organization to produce a final outcome(s). Workflow Management System allows you to define different workflows for different types of processes or jobs. So, for example, in a manufacturing setting, a design document might be automatically routed from designer to a technical director to the production engineer. At each stage in the workflow, one individual or group is responsible for a specific task. Once the task is complete, the workflow software ensures that the individuals responsible for the next task are notified and receive the data they need to execute their stage of the process. Workflow management systems also automate redundant tasks and ensure uncompleted tasks are followed up.

A workflow management system reflects and controls the dependencies required for the completion of given task.

A workflow is normally described using work-flow diagrams, showing directed flows between processing steps. Single processing steps or components of a workflow can basically be defined by three parameters:

  • Input description: the information required to complete the step
  • Transformation Rules: algorithms, which may be carried out by associated human roles
  • Output description: the information produced by the step and provided as input to downstream steps.


  • Automatically moves the required files and documents for review and approval on pre-defined workflow paths.
  • Routed documents appear in corresponding users’ Action Box.
  • Text Messages on cell phone or Email alerts and notifications may be configured.
  • Documents or Files can be moved, routed forward or backward, through any number of route steps.
  • Multiple people can be assigned to each route step for group approvals.
  • Documents which are rejected can automatically be returned to the originating sender or to some other specified individuals.
  • Workflow designs/paths can be completely customized with the assistance of All Easy IT Solution Custom Software Development Team.

Business Process Automation ( BPA )

Business Process Automation in terms of automating daily business / management processes is same as workflow management system. Automating the process of approval of some document(s) is achieved through business process automation. We have no intention to confuse it with engineering process automation.

For example, if a salesperson generates a quotation that needs approval of his supervisor before an invoice against this quotation can be generated, a software with focus of business process automation can meet this requirement. We have option to automate various such document approval processes in our software products.

You may please visit our products page for further details. If you are interested in our software solutions, please feel free to contact us.

Database Oriented Software Solutions / Business Management Solutions

Database oriented software solutions are actually solutions to manage some data or system or business with database having the central focus or core importance. Database solutions are those applications, software or web applications which are database oriented in terms of managing the concerned data.

Here, we see all the activities of concern as database entities. We analyze the software requirements and convert these into a logical database or an ERD (Entity-Relationship-Diagram). These entities are then mapped into a relational database with some details added into it. This database is called the back-end while the interface is referred to as front-end of the application. End user has no direct access to the database. End-user is only allowed to interact with the data through the front-end layer of interface which imposes limitation according to the business rules defined at very initial stage of software development.

Business Management Solutions we offer are all database oriented software. You may please visit our products page for further details. If you are interested in our software solutions, please feel free to contact us.

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